Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What a beatiful day.

What a great day, the sun is out, the sky is blue, Harley was a very good boy. I get to get away. Just kidding. I love my boys, that is my Husband and Son. It is just like having two kids. A lot of the time I worry if I can do school. I feel like I am falling further behind. It is not like I get much help, today I was handing in my assignment 3, because I forgot to do it. The assignment was on my computer at home, and Harley has a way of side-tracking me. I remembered to day, Larry was trying to put a new timing belt on our car, told me that he could not keep one eye on Harley and do what he was doing. This is the attitude I get from him all the time. So I have to watch Harley and try and do my stuff. It would be a surprise if I get anything done. I am sure that everyone can relate to having a three year old.

I have to remember to call the place that we have a cabin at the end of the month. I just keep forgetting. What a ditz.

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