Thursday, June 26, 2008

Camp Chippewa

Today we went to the camp I worked at when I was in High School. "Camp Chippewa for Boy" John Endress (JP) and Cammy Endress. They owned the camp when I worked there. They have sence made it a corperation. It will be there for all the future generations of boys. They still have a lot to do with the camp. JP teaches tenis, and Cammy is in the office. I used to work in the kitchen. They have just rebuild the mess hale and kitchen, they even have air conditioning in the kitchen part now. The cook that works there know is the cook that worked there my last year working. That was almost 18 years ago. It does not seem possible. I think of it as only yesterday. I know I know more now, mostly in the area of street smarts. Or Hospital smarts whitch every you choise. The camp has changed and stayed the same. That sound funny, but I think that the feeling you get from it is the same as befor. The buildings may change, the the feeling you get when there is the same. I hope that Harley will be able to have the same experiences as I have had. Some day I will have to write about it. Who knows maybe it will become a best seller.

1 comment:

MKT said...

So good to see you back at camp the other day. All the best in the coming days, months and years!
Michael Thompson, Director Camp Chippewa