Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here I am, sitting in front of the public libary, bogging. I am thinking on talking to one of my friends about taking my essay one more step, and possibly co-writing a book of sorts with her. It was her idea to write a book about extra stress that family adds when you have a child with life threating illnesses. Her son is 18 now, and has had kidney problems all of his life. We meet when they were getting ready to go on PD. Harley was on PD, and we showed them how the machine worked, an answered some questions. We became friends, and I value her ideas and addvise. I will write more latter.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What a day. Larry and I are haveing family problems again. I should go to school to be a commedean. I know that is not spelled right. I could make more money off my family, and Larry's family, or just our time in the hospital. I get so up set I can't think of anything else. Befor Harley or Larry, I used to keep a jernanl. I had one after Larry and I were together. But I don't seem to have the time now. I do not know what my problem is. I feel tried all the time. I just have to find something to do that I love to do. Most of the time I do not feel I have time. I was doing dishes to day, and I had a little helper. I love Harley, but dish time is not time to play in water. I have the water Hot, and Harley just loves the bubbles. I have tried to get him the rince the dishes. But I think that he is just to young. But he loves to help. Water and suds everywere.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We just got done spending almost a week in the Hospital. Going to the Hospital always throughs me off. I forget about time, the days run together. Larry and I end up realy tired, and feel off the wall. Not to mention what it does for Harley. I want to cry every time he has to get pocked. This time he was really good. He was so dehydated. It was coming out of both ends. We could not get ahead of it. He could not keep his medicane down. So down we went. What a bummer. Sunday when they put the IV in, Harley didn't even move. He just let them put it in his hand. They have started useing emaill cream, it numbs the skin. It also makes the veins smaller. I wander why. But it seemed to heart less. That IV he pulled out about 6 am. But his hand was starting to swell so the IV was bad. The next one he got was in his other hand. This time he cried a little, but he was still good. They finely put one in his arm. They use an altra sound to find the veins. What a blessing, he keep that one till we left, but then cryed when the nurse was going to take it out, he did not want a nother. Harley did not understand that we got to go home.

On top of all this We are moving into our oun house. We lived with Larry's Mom, and she told Larry that it was our falt that Harley got sick, because we moved out. What a buch of ballonie. But at least we are home now.

We moved some more things today befor class. Harley has almost all of his toys. I have to go through them and get rid of a lot of them. He won't be happy. He and Larry are alike, they like to save every thing. They might use it latter. I used to be like that, but I started watching "Clean Sweep" on the HGTV channel. I have got over it for the most part. Well I sopost I should go. I have to go get Harley Bannannas. Woo Hooo

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Camp Chippewa

Today we went to the camp I worked at when I was in High School. "Camp Chippewa for Boy" John Endress (JP) and Cammy Endress. They owned the camp when I worked there. They have sence made it a corperation. It will be there for all the future generations of boys. They still have a lot to do with the camp. JP teaches tenis, and Cammy is in the office. I used to work in the kitchen. They have just rebuild the mess hale and kitchen, they even have air conditioning in the kitchen part now. The cook that works there know is the cook that worked there my last year working. That was almost 18 years ago. It does not seem possible. I think of it as only yesterday. I know I know more now, mostly in the area of street smarts. Or Hospital smarts whitch every you choise. The camp has changed and stayed the same. That sound funny, but I think that the feeling you get from it is the same as befor. The buildings may change, the the feeling you get when there is the same. I hope that Harley will be able to have the same experiences as I have had. Some day I will have to write about it. Who knows maybe it will become a best seller.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What a beatiful day.

What a great day, the sun is out, the sky is blue, Harley was a very good boy. I get to get away. Just kidding. I love my boys, that is my Husband and Son. It is just like having two kids. A lot of the time I worry if I can do school. I feel like I am falling further behind. It is not like I get much help, today I was handing in my assignment 3, because I forgot to do it. The assignment was on my computer at home, and Harley has a way of side-tracking me. I remembered to day, Larry was trying to put a new timing belt on our car, told me that he could not keep one eye on Harley and do what he was doing. This is the attitude I get from him all the time. So I have to watch Harley and try and do my stuff. It would be a surprise if I get anything done. I am sure that everyone can relate to having a three year old.

I have to remember to call the place that we have a cabin at the end of the month. I just keep forgetting. What a ditz.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The life I live

The Life I live
Has fun and games
Stress and headackes.
The Life I live
Is full of laughter
and tears.
The Life I live
I would not trade for anything.